The Leanpark Automated Parking is an innovative solution that offers a range of benefits for both users and investors. Some of its primary features include:

Features Benefits
Fully automated parking solution Convenient, and efficient parking experience
Reduces human error and the risk of theft or damage to vehicles
Modular and pallet-based technology Flexible, upgradeable, and moveable design
Customizable configuration options to meet specific needs
High-speed retrieval time less waiting time for customers, Increased customer satisfaction, Improved operational efficiency
High capacity and high density for optimized space utilization Maximizes the parking capacity
Frees up space for other meaningful business purposes
Reduces the required land space and building volume
Up to 6 parking levels (ideal height) Increased parking capacity
Efficient use of space
Enhanced security measures Improved safety and security for vehicles and customers
Reduced risk of theft or damage to vehicles
Platform bearing capacity of 3.0 tons Can accommodate heavy vehicles, ensure the stability of the platform
Equipped with the automated EV charging system Convenient and efficient charging solution for electric vehicles promotes sustainability
Run by robust system management software with advanced AI technology Efficient management of the parking lifecycle
Improved operational efficiency
Mobile app available for efficient management of the parking lifecycle Convenient, user-friendly, and efficient management
Improved operational efficiency
Cost-effective and efficient Reduced operational costs
Improved operational efficiency
Innovative Fire-safety system for Electric Cars Improved safety for electric vehicles
Reduced risk of fire
Enables sustainability and mobility services Promotes sustainability
Improves mobility for customers
User-friendly, hassle-free, and convenient Improved customer satisfaction
Convenient and easy to use, it Increased customer loyalty
Less land space and building volume required Cost savings: Reduced land and building costs
Efficient use of space Optimal utilization of limited urban space
Increased profitability by freeing up valuable land for other uses, such as retail, residential, or commercial development
Improved urban planning More efficient use of limited urban space
Environmentally friendly Reduced carbon footprint and land usage
Promoting sustainable development
Increased property value Properties with efficient parking solutions are more attractive and have a higher value

Key Figures

Automated parking systems

Up to 50% land space saving
Up to 50% smaller building volume
Up to 85% fewer CO2 emissions
Up to 200% more parking space
Increased security and safety
Reduced development cost
Lower operating cost
High Return of Invesment
User-friendly and hassle-free
Flexible, moveable, upgradeable, and modifiable
Enabling sustainability and mobility services
Increased customer satisfaction

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